Objectives and Aims
The objective of the PTFA is to enrich our children’s school experience. We do this by fundraising through organising fun events and activities in and after school for the children and grownups.
As Teachers, Parents and Carers of children at the school we are all members of the PTFA, and it is fantastic that you are here to support your children’s journey at Stickney Primary School through the work of the PTFA.
The PTFA is run by a committee elected each year at the AGM. The AGM meeting is the only formal meeting of the year for the PTFA and deals with the formalities of committee elections, financial reporting, reviews and plans for the future.
The school has always been lucky enough to have a very successful PTFA in place and funds raised have been able to provide the children with extra equipment and activities that the school budget cannot stretch to. This is mainly due to Staff and parents who offer their help and support throughout the year. The following parents and staff are our current PTFA team:
Mrs Natasha Elley (Parent)
Mrs Danielle Morbey (Staff)
Team Members
- Mrs T Dallywaters (Staff)
- Mrs Angelov (Parent)
- Mrs Paling (Parent)
- Mrs Bainbridge (Parent)
- Miss Goy (Parent)
- MIss Douglas (Parent)
- Mrs Jones (Staff)
- Mrs Parker (Staff)
Join as an active member
If anyone would like to become part of the PTFA or find out a bit more information of how you can help fundraise for your children, please private message our PTFA Facebook page or come along to our next meeting.
As it stands at present, we do not have many parents on the PFTA committee. We as a team feel that it would be extremely beneficial to have fresh parent input and new ideas to try out to have yet another successful fundraising year ahead!
We try to raise money in ways that are fun for all concerned - and it's not hard work when everyone lends a helping hand. The children can only benefit from seeing that their parents are directly and positively involved in school life.
PFTA members are involved in various activities, making teas/coffees and selling raffle tickets during school events, helping in school in a variety of ways, organising fun, informational or entertaining events in school. We are open to suggestions, so do bring or send in your good ideas.
Anyone can come and join us, regularly or occasionally, as we plan events for the committee, meetings are held approximately every Half Term, occasionally we enjoy a meal out while planning.