I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
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Stickney Church of England Primary School and Pre-School

Learn • Enjoy • Achieve

In a caring Christian Community developing full potential and mutual respect for all

Church School

As a church school, we enjoy very close links with the local church of St Luke’s and it's reverend -  Rev. Fran and Rev. Judith.


One of the reverends regularly joins our collective worship in school and we also visit the church for services to celebrate Harvest, Christmas, Christingle, St Luke's Day, and Easter. We also hold regular acts of worship including our Leavers Service at St Luke's church.

Our School Prayer


Here in our school

Let us trust and respect each other

Let love and kindness be in our hearts

And fairness and honesty be in our thoughts

Let us remember

To forgive and care for each other

As we enjoy and achieve together


Collective Worship


We enjoy a daily act of collective worship, sometimes as a whole school, key stage or simply with our own class.



We join together and listen to bible stories and teachings linked to our value for the term, which then feeds into worship for the rest of the week.


We join together in an act of worship to share and discuss something significant from the local, national or world news using 'Picture News'. We reflect upon how it fits with, or sits outside of, our British Values and how it may impact individuals with Protected Characteristics.


We join together in an act of worship through song. We sing a mixture of traditional hymns, modern songs and 'Out of the Ark' songs that link with our value for the term and the time of year.


We worship together with our own class. We build on from the shared reflection that took place in Monday's collective worship.


We join together in an act of worship to celebrate the achievements of the week and/or term including sharing and celebrating individual's achievements outside of school.

Our Church School Council


Our Church School Councillors are nominated pupils from each class. They have a very important role helping with the development and delivery of collective worship. They meet together regularly to develop their own collective worship ideas. They also represent the school during church services, such as Harvest Festival, Christingle and Christmas. 

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