I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
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Stickney Church of England Primary School and Pre-School

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Dog Blog

Hi everyone its Toby here, welcome to my Dog Blog.

Monday 8th January 2024

I have had a great Christmas with my family and received lots of lovely cards and gifts from the children. I received a special gift from Millie the school dog at New Leake, hopefully Millie and I will get to have a playdate soon as I haven't seen her since the New Leake summer fayre. I think she's woofly heart




My New Years resolution is to go on more walks, sleep more and give more cuddles.
Everyone was really pleased to see me after half term and I have had lots of fuss and attention.

Its spring term but it feels like I am coming to school in the middle of the night as it seems so dark in the mornings. 

I went into assembly on Friday and sat so nicely while the children received their reading and attendance  awards. Hopefully I might win the staff attendance award or Mrs Dallywaters might do a school animal attendance award, I'm sure I've got a chance of winning over Pumpkin and Pip.

I'd better go now as its time for tea, I will update you all soon on my dog blog


My achievement awards

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