I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
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Stickney Church of England Primary School and Pre-School

Learn • Enjoy • Achieve

In a caring Christian Community developing full potential and mutual respect for all

Parents as partners

Caring 2 Learn

In 2020 we were awarded the gold Carning2Learn Award for Early Years Settings. At the time we were one of only three early years settings to achieve the award across the county and only the second to achieve the gold standard. 


Here is the feedback from the assessor:


“Through the many descriptive case studies submitted this setting has clearly demonstrated its caring approach and focus on nurture and wellbeing for the benefit of its children and families. They are extremely proactive in overcoming challenges and barriers, engaging vulnerable families and identifying when more support is needed. The setting clearly goes above and beyond statutory requirements to provide and access support for their families and parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive and thankful for all they do to help their children be happy, thrive and learn. As a result of this vulnerable children within the setting make excellent progress both emotionally and academically.”


In 2021 we also came joint 1st and 3rd place winning Lincs Parent Carer Forum awards after we were nominated by two Early Years Parents. 


Working closely alongside parents is always at the heart of what we do because we know that they are the child's first educator and know them the best. 


We are committed to ensuring that we communicate effectively with parents and carers at all times, building their trust and respect as we help to nurture their little ones! 


Here is an overview list of how we work in partnership with our parents and carers:


  • parents and carers are warmly invited to visit our school before the child starts in our nursery class. Children are offered "taster" sessions and then the parent/carer can meet with our team to discuss how they got on, ready to plan their start with us
  • parent and carer questionnaires about what their child can do and how we can improve as a setting
  • parents and carers of children who are starting Reception class are invited to open events followed by information evenings before their child starts school
  • staff offer information/advice evenings e.g. on dental health, supporting learning at home throughout the academic year 
  • early identification of any additional needs and referrals to outside agencies
  • the EYFS teacher offers to attend appointments with parents (For example speech and language) and accompany them to LPCF events
  • staff share "nursery goals" at regular progress meetings throughout the year
  • we use Tapestry ALL the time so that parents and carers and ourselves can share learning. This is incredibly successful
  • learning from home is shared on our display
  • Nursery children take home a 'Chatterbook' to support parents with their child's learning at home
  • sharing food from different culture events
  • inviting parents and carers onto our school trips
  • stay and play sessions
  • sending home rhyme time and story books
  • story time sessions in school
  • phonics and maths mornings
  • class dojo - parents can see when their child has been rewarded
  • celebration assemblies
  • PFTA events
  • supporting parents/carers with their child's behaviour at home and their own mental health; signposting to services when necessary





How can I support my child at home? This document gives you more advice...

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